Eyeliner™ is the heartbeat of our technology, what’s often referred to as a 3D hologram projector. It was famously used to digitally resurrect the deceased rapper Tupac Shakur at a music festival.

People were wowed by the Tupac trick. It is in fact our 21st century twist on an old Victorian theatrical illusion called Pepper’s Ghost. The twist is in our patented holographic projector system.

Our 3D holographic projector system

The Eyeliner™ 3D holographic projector has been designed to make your magic happen. However, creating holographic performances isn’t as hard as most people think with our system.

Here’s how: Start with our patented foil, completely invisible to the naked eye. Rig it at 45° across the stage and beam moving content onto it via a projector, giving the impression of a real 3D image on stage. Add clever lighting and stage dressing, and the result is a stunning visual medium.

Using Eyeliner™

Eyeliner™ comes in many forms, so let us know your vision. We’ll then get you on your way to truly captivating your audiences.

Temporary installations

Extremely flexible, scalable and quick to install, Eyeliner™ will bring your event alive in any environment. From gigantic concerts to intimate holographic gigs, get ready to take centre stage and see your audience beam back at you with wonder.

Check the Eyeliner™ tech spec for installation details

Permanent installations

While more expansive one-off events have their place, Eyeliner™ can be permanently installed around the world. That way, the impact you create stays with you, forever. And your audiences will always associate you with incredible memories that are available to revisit again and again.

Perfect for museums, visitor attractions, business communication, retail, point of sale and any other static environment, permanent Eyeliner™ installations can fit any location, match any branding and bring your content to life.

Eyeliner™ tech spec

A standard Eyeliner™ unit is 6m wide x 4m high, with 4m being the stock height but possible to provide a unit 8m high. The increase in height obviously requires specific engineering, so it’s best to give us a call if you need something outside of the standard setup. The unit can be as wide as you want.

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